When It Must Be Waterproof
Successfully Tested Against a 36″ Head of Water for 72 Hours
Test done on October 7, 2005.
ProSet is constantly being asked by General Contractors, Developers and Architects to provide waterproof pipe penetrations. Because of the massive use of sprinklers, it appears that the water proofing of floor and wall penetrations has become as important as firestopping.
Besides the direct water damage, concealed water leakage in walls and drop ceilings is conducive to mold. Virtually everyone is aware of the mold claims that are causing insurance coverage to be prohibitively expensive or not available at all. This is a very serious problem for the building industry.
We have tested different types of penetrations and explored the reasons why apparently waterproof penetrations still leak. Our findings, and the innovations we have developed in response, are provided below.